USDA Cuts - Lamb

USDA Lamb Processing Form

Fill out form online or Download Form Here

    Your Name (required)

    Address (required)

    Phone (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Name Of Producer (required)

    Place a check mark or make a selection for the desired cuts; any cuts left blank will go into ground lamb.


    Shoulder Roast or Shoulder Chops

    Arm Roast or Arm Chops


    Sliced Neck

    Whole RibRiblets

    Rib Chops or Rib Rack

    Whole Short Loin or Loin Chops


    Sirloin Half Leg RoastSirloin Chops

    Standard WrapVacuum Pack (Additional Charge)
    *Standard wrap - Lamb, boneless chops, and roasts less than 2lbs will be rollstocked at no additional charge. All other cuts will be paper wrapped.

    Pounds Per Pack Grind and Stew

    Other Instructions:

    *Once you have been notified that your order is ready, you will have 14 days to pick up. Thank You!